Unveiling The Remarkable Story Behind "Margot Robbie's Mom"

Margot Robbie's mother, Sarie Kessler, is a former physiotherapist who now works as a real estate agent. She is married to Doug Robbie, a sugarcane farmer, and they have three children: Margot, Lachlan, and Cameron. Sarie is known for her close relationship with her daughter, and she often accompanies Margot to red carpet events and award shows.

Sarie has been a supportive figure in Margot's life and career. She encouraged Margot to pursue her dreams of becoming an actress, and she has been there for her every step of the way. Sarie is also a role model for Margot, and she has taught her the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Margot has said that her mother is her "best friend" and that she is "so grateful" for her support.

In addition to her work as a real estate agent, Sarie is also involved in several charitable organizations. She is a patron of the Australian Children's Music Foundation, and she has also worked with the Starlight Children's Foundation. Sarie is a passionate advocate for children's rights, and she is committed to making a difference in the lives of young people.

margot robbie's mom

Sarie Kessler, the mother of actress Margot Robbie, is a significant figure in her daughter's life and career. Here are nine key aspects that highlight her importance:

  • Supportive: Sarie has been a constant source of encouragement and support for Margot, fostering her dreams and aspirations.
  • Role model: Sarie embodies the values of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, which she has instilled in Margot.
  • Close relationship: Margot and Sarie share a strong bond, with Margot often referring to her mother as her "best friend."
  • Philanthropist: Sarie is actively involved in charitable organizations, particularly those supporting children's well-being.
  • Former physiotherapist: Sarie's background in healthcare has likely influenced her nurturing and supportive approach towards Margot.
  • Family-oriented: Sarie is dedicated to her family, including her husband and two other children.
  • Private individual: Despite her daughter's fame, Sarie maintains a private life, choosing to stay out of the spotlight.
  • Australian roots: Sarie and her family are based in Australia, where Margot grew up and began her acting career.
  • Proud mother: Sarie is immensely proud of Margot's accomplishments and often expresses her admiration and support publicly.

These aspects collectively demonstrate the multifaceted role that Sarie Kessler plays in Margot Robbie's life. Her unwavering support, strong values, and philanthropic endeavors make her an influential and inspiring figure for her daughter and beyond.


The unwavering support that Sarie Kessler provides to her daughter, Margot Robbie, is a crucial aspect of their relationship and has significantly impacted Margot's life and career.

  • Emotional Encouragement: Sarie has consistently provided emotional support to Margot, boosting her confidence and self-belief. She has been a source of reassurance and motivation, particularly during challenging times or when Margot faced setbacks.
  • Practical Assistance: Beyond emotional support, Sarie has also offered practical assistance to Margot's career. She has helped her daughter navigate the entertainment industry, providing guidance and advice based on her own experiences. This support has been invaluable to Margot's professional growth.
  • Dream Nurturing: Sarie recognized and encouraged Margot's passion for acting from a young age. She supported Margot's aspirations and provided opportunities for her to develop her talent, such as enrolling her in drama classes and taking her to auditions.
  • Unconditional Love: Above all, Sarie's support stems from her unconditional love for her daughter. She values Margot's happiness and well-being above all else, creating a strong foundation for their relationship and fostering Margot's personal growth.

In conclusion, the supportive nature of Sarie Kessler's relationship with Margot Robbie has been instrumental in shaping Margot's life and career. Sarie's emotional encouragement, practical assistance, dream nurturing, and unconditional love have created a solid foundation for Margot's success and personal fulfillment.

Role model

Sarie Kessler's role as a role model in her daughter Margot Robbie's life is deeply intertwined with the values she embodies and has instilled in Margot. These values have significantly shaped Margot's personal and professional growth, contributing to her success and resilience.

  • Hard Work: Sarie has demonstrated the importance of hard work and dedication throughout her life, both in her career as a physiotherapist and in her personal endeavors. She has taught Margot the value of perseverance and commitment, encouraging her to never give up on her dreams.
  • Dedication: Sarie's dedication to her family and her work ethic have left a lasting impression on Margot. She has shown Margot the significance of being fully committed to one's goals and responsibilities, and the rewards that come with dedication.
  • Perseverance: Sarie's journey and experiences have taught her the power of perseverance. She has faced challenges and setbacks, but she has always remained determined and resilient. This quality has rubbed off on Margot, who has learned to embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth.
  • Value Alignment: The values that Sarie has instilled in Margot are not only personal qualities but also align with the values required to succeed in the entertainment industry. Hard work, dedication, and perseverance are essential for any actor who wants to achieve longevity and success.

In conclusion, Sarie Kessler's role as a role model for Margot Robbie is deeply rooted in the values of hard work, dedication, and perseverance that she embodies and has instilled in her daughter. These values have shaped Margot's personal and professional life, contributing to her achievements and inspiring her to make a positive impact on the world.

Close relationship

The close relationship between Margot Robbie and her mother, Sarie Kessler, is a significant aspect of Margot's life and a testament to the profound impact that Sarie has had on her daughter's personal and professional growth. This strong bond is evident in various ways and has played a crucial role in shaping Margot's journey.

  • Emotional Support and Guidance: The close relationship between Margot and Sarie provides a strong foundation of emotional support and guidance. Sarie has been a constant source of encouragement and advice for Margot, supporting her through both the highs and lows of her career and personal life.
  • Shared Experiences and Values: The close bond between Margot and Sarie is further strengthened by their shared experiences and values. They have a deep understanding and appreciation for each other's perspectives, which fosters open and honest communication.
  • Mutual Respect and Admiration: The close relationship between Margot and Sarie is built on mutual respect and admiration. Margot holds her mother in high regard, recognizing her strength, resilience, and unwavering support. Sarie, in turn, admires her daughter's talent, dedication, and compassionate nature.
  • Unconditional Love: At the core of Margot and Sarie's close relationship is unconditional love. They are there for each other through thick and thin, providing unwavering support and acceptance.

In conclusion, the close relationship between Margot Robbie and her mother, Sarie Kessler, is a vital aspect of Margot's life and has significantly influenced her personal and professional journey. The strong bond they share is characterized by emotional support, shared experiences and values, mutual respect and admiration, and unconditional love.


Sarie Kessler, mother of actress Margot Robbie, is a dedicated philanthropist whose passion for helping children is deeply ingrained in her values and beliefs. Her philanthropic endeavors reflect her commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of young people and creating a better future for generations to come.

  • Support for Children's Rights: Sarie is a passionate advocate for children's rights, believing that every child deserves a safe and nurturing environment to grow and thrive. She actively supports organizations that provide essential services, such as education, healthcare, and protection, to disadvantaged children.
  • Patron of the Australian Children's Music Foundation: As a patron of the Australian Children's Music Foundation, Sarie plays a vital role in promoting the power of music in children's lives. She recognizes the positive impact that music can have on a child's cognitive, emotional, and social development, and she is committed to ensuring that all children have access to quality music education.
  • Work with the Starlight Children's Foundation: Sarie's involvement with the Starlight Children's Foundation demonstrates her dedication to bringing joy and comfort to sick children. She supports the foundation's mission of providing entertainment, distraction, and emotional support to hospitalized children, helping to make their hospital stays less stressful and more enjoyable.
  • Role Model for Margot Robbie: Sarie's philanthropic work serves as an inspiring example for her daughter, Margot Robbie. Margot has witnessed firsthand the positive impact that her mother's efforts have on the lives of children, and she has been inspired to use her own platform to support charitable causes that are close to her heart.

In conclusion, Sarie Kessler's philanthropic endeavors are a testament to her unwavering commitment to improving the lives of children. Her involvement in charitable organizations, particularly those supporting children's well-being, reflects her deep compassion, generosity, and belief in the power of making a difference.

Former physiotherapist

Sarie Kessler's background as a physiotherapist has significantly shaped her nurturing and supportive approach towards her daughter, Margot Robbie. Her experience in the healthcare field has instilled in her a deep understanding of the importance of empathy, compassion, and holistic well-being, which have translated into her parenting style.

  • Empathy and Emotional Support: Physiotherapists are trained to listen attentively to their patients, understand their needs, and provide emotional support during the healing process. Sarie has applied these skills in her role as a mother, creating a safe and supportive environment for Margot to share her feelings, fears, and aspirations.
  • Focus on Physical and Mental Health: As a physiotherapist, Sarie recognizes the interconnectedness of physical and mental health. She has encouraged Margot to prioritize her physical well-being through exercise and healthy habits, while also emphasizing the importance of mental health and emotional resilience.
  • Holistic Approach to Parenting: Physiotherapists take a holistic approach to patient care, considering all aspects of a person's life that may impact their recovery. Sarie has adopted this holistic approach in her parenting, recognizing the influence of Margot's social, emotional, and environmental factors on her overall well-being.

In conclusion, Sarie Kessler's background as a physiotherapist has profoundly influenced her nurturing and supportive approach towards Margot Robbie. Her understanding of empathy, focus on holistic well-being, and ability to provide emotional support have created a strong foundation for their close relationship and have contributed to Margot's personal and professional growth.


Sarie Kessler's dedication to her family is an integral aspect of her role as "margot robbie's mom". Her strong family values and commitment to her loved ones have significantly influenced the upbringing and well-being of her daughter, Margot Robbie.

  • Nurturing Environment: Sarie has fostered a nurturing and supportive home environment for all her children, including Margot. She has provided a stable and loving foundation, where they feel valued, respected, and encouraged to pursue their dreams.
  • Role Model for Margot: Sarie's dedication to her family has served as a role model for Margot, who has learned the importance of strong family bonds and the value of putting family first.
  • Support for Margot's Career: Sarie has been a pillar of support for Margot's acting career, attending red carpet events, award shows, and other industry functions with her daughter. Her presence and encouragement have played a significant role in Margot's confidence and success.
  • Work-Life Balance: Sarie has demonstrated the ability to balance her work as a real estate agent with her family responsibilities, showing Margot that it is possible to have a fulfilling career while prioritizing family.

In conclusion, Sarie Kessler's family-oriented nature has profoundly impacted Margot Robbie's life and career. Her dedication to her family has created a strong foundation of love, support, and values that have shaped Margot into the successful and well-rounded individual she is today.

Private individual

The decision of Sarie Kessler, "margot robbie's mom", to maintain a private life despite her daughter's fame is a conscious choice that reflects her values and priorities. Sarie's private nature allows her to maintain a sense of normalcy and avoid the constant scrutiny that comes with being in the public eye. By choosing to stay out of the spotlight, Sarie protects her own privacy and sets an example for her children that it is possible to have a fulfilling life outside of the limelight.

Sarie's decision is also a testament to her strength and independence. She is not defined by her daughter's fame and has her own identity and interests. This is a valuable lesson for Margot Robbie, who has learned from her mother the importance of self-reliance and self-acceptance.

In conclusion, Sarie Kessler's choice to maintain a private life is an important part of her identity as "margot robbie's mom". It reflects her values, protects her privacy, and sets a positive example for her children. It also demonstrates her strength and independence, and shows that it is possible to have a fulfilling life outside of the public eye.

Australian roots

Sarie Kessler's Australian roots have significantly influenced her role as "margot robbie's mom" and shaped Margot Robbie's upbringing and career journey. Growing up in Australia has instilled in Margot a strong sense of identity and belonging, which is reflected in her acting and philanthropic work.

Australia's vibrant and supportive arts community played a crucial role in Margot's early exposure to acting. She began her acting career in local theater productions and short films, honing her skills and gaining valuable experience. The Australian film and television industry provided Margot with opportunities to showcase her talent and establish herself as a rising star.

Moreover, Sarie's deep connection to Australia has influenced Margot's philanthropic endeavors. Margot is actively involved in supporting Australian charities and causes, particularly those related to children's well-being and education. Her Australian roots have instilled in her a sense of responsibility and a desire to give back to her community.

In conclusion, Sarie Kessler's Australian roots are an integral part of her identity as "margot robbie's mom". They have shaped Margot Robbie's upbringing, career trajectory, and philanthropic values, demonstrating the profound impact of one's cultural and geographical background.

Proud mother

Sarie Kessler's pride in her daughter, Margot Robbie, is a significant aspect of her role as "margot robbie's mom". Her public expressions of admiration and support have played a crucial role in shaping Margot's self-esteem and confidence, and have contributed to her success in the entertainment industry.

  • Emotional Support: Sarie's vocal support provides Margot with a strong emotional foundation. Knowing that her mother is proud of her accomplishments, regardless of setbacks or challenges, gives Margot the resilience to persevere and pursue her dreams.
  • Motivation and Inspiration: Sarie's admiration serves as a source of motivation and inspiration for Margot. Her words of encouragement and praise have fueled Margot's drive to achieve excellence and to make a positive impact on the world.
  • Public Recognition: Sarie's public expressions of pride have helped raise Margot's profile and establish her as a respected figure in the entertainment industry. Her support has opened doors for Margot and contributed to her success.
  • Role Model for Other Parents: Sarie's unwavering support of her daughter serves as a role model for other parents. It demonstrates the importance of parental encouragement and belief in a child's abilities, fostering their self-confidence and encouraging them to pursue their dreams.

In conclusion, Sarie Kessler's pride in Margot Robbie is an integral part of her role as "margot robbie's mom". Her public expressions of admiration and support have played a significant role in shaping Margot's self-esteem, motivating her to achieve success, and contributing to her recognition in the entertainment industry.

FAQs about "margot robbie's mom"

This section addresses commonly asked questions and misconceptions regarding Margot Robbie's mother, Sarie Kessler.

Question 1: What is Sarie Kessler's professional background?

Sarie Kessler is a former physiotherapist who now works as a real estate agent.

Question 2: How has Sarie Kessler's background in physiotherapy influenced her parenting style?

Sarie Kessler's background in physiotherapy has contributed to her nurturing and supportive approach towards Margot Robbie. Her understanding of empathy, focus on holistic well-being, and ability to provide emotional support have created a strong foundation for their close relationship.

Question 3: What are Sarie Kessler's philanthropic interests?

Sarie Kessler is actively involved in charitable organizations, particularly those supporting children's well-being. She is a patron of the Australian Children's Music Foundation and has worked with the Starlight Children's Foundation.

Question 4: How does Sarie Kessler balance her work and family life?

Sarie Kessler has demonstrated the ability to balance her work as a real estate agent with her family responsibilities, showing Margot Robbie that it is possible to have a fulfilling career while prioritizing family.

Question 5: What is Sarie Kessler's relationship with the media and public?

Despite her daughter's fame, Sarie Kessler maintains a private life, choosing to stay out of the spotlight. This decision reflects her values, protects her privacy, and sets a positive example for her children.

Question 6: How has Sarie Kessler's support impacted Margot Robbie's career?

Sarie Kessler has been a constant source of support and encouragement for Margot Robbie's acting career. She has attended red carpet events, award shows, and other industry functions with her daughter, providing a strong foundation of love and support.

Summary: Sarie Kessler's role as "margot robbie's mom" is multifaceted and significant. Her nurturing and supportive parenting style, philanthropic endeavors, and unwavering support of Margot Robbie's career are a testament to her dedication to her family and her values.

Transition to the next article section: Sarie Kessler's influence extends beyond her role as a mother to Margot Robbie. Her values and commitment to making a difference in the world have shaped Margot's personal and professional journey, inspiring her to use her platform for good.

Tips from Margot Robbie's Mom

Sarie Kessler, mother of actress Margot Robbie, has shared valuable insights and advice throughout her life. Here are some key tips she has given, emphasizing the importance of family, personal growth, and making a positive impact on the world:

Tip 1: Prioritize Family and Relationships

Sarie Kessler believes strongly in the importance of family and nurturing relationships. She encourages spending quality time with loved ones, fostering open communication, and supporting each other through life's challenges.

Tip 2: Embrace Personal Growth and Learning

Sarie emphasizes the value of continuous learning and personal development. She encourages individuals to seek new experiences, challenge their perspectives, and never stop growing as individuals.

Tip 3: Be Kind and Compassionate

Sarie believes that kindness and compassion are essential traits for a fulfilling life. She encourages individuals to treat others with respect and empathy, and to make a conscious effort to spread positivity and support.

Tip 4: Pursue Your Passions

Sarie encourages individuals to identify their passions and pursue them with determination. Whether it's a hobby, a career, or a creative endeavor, she believes that following one's passions leads to greater happiness and fulfillment.

Tip 5: Make a Positive Impact

Sarie emphasizes the importance of using one's platform or resources to make a positive impact on the world. She encourages individuals to support charitable causes, volunteer their time, or simply strive to make a difference in their communities.

Summary: Sarie Kessler's tips provide valuable guidance on living a meaningful and fulfilling life. By prioritizing family, embracing personal growth, being kind, pursuing passions, and making a positive impact, individuals can create a life that is both personally rewarding and beneficial to others.


The exploration of "margot robbie's mom" reveals the profound and multifaceted role that Sarie Kessler plays in her daughter's life and career. As a nurturing and supportive mother, a dedicated philanthropist, and a proud advocate, Sarie embodies the values of family, compassion, and resilience.

Sarie Kessler's influence extends beyond her immediate circle, inspiring others through her unwavering support of Margot Robbie's dreams and her commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Her story serves as a reminder of the significance of strong maternal figures and the power of love, encouragement, and hard work in shaping one's path.

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